How does acid rain effect humans?
Acid rain kills plankton wich makes the fish we catch die. Then makes the people who catch the fish for a living have
no money and no fish to eat.
What are some of the of the effects of acid rain on humans? Are they health problems associated with acid rain?
It depends on how high the pH is. The pH is low then iit will kill some plants and food for us. Some health problems can
be caused from acid rain, people may not get enough food or the plants may die.
What are some of the indirect effects of acid rain on humans? Does acid rain affect our sorces on food, water, and air?
Acid rain can cause bulidings to be damaged, less jobs for people. It kills planktons then causes the whole food chain
to be damaged. Acid rain effects our food, kills plankton then fish, not as much meet, people lose jobs, pollutes water, not
as much water to drink. Kills plants and trees and then not as much oxoygen for us.
What are the consequences on the effects of acid rain on people?
People don't have as many jobs. The buildings tear. Car's tires get effected by the rain. Tires have to be changed more