This page contains the questions/anwsers for the role of Biologist
1.What effect does acid rain have on trees and soil?
We plant our crops in the ground and when the soil is acidics the harmful pollutants get into our system from us eating
the crops. The trees are damaged and do not produce much oxygen.
2.How does the effect of acid rain on trees and solid affect us?
The acid rain kills the trees which makes the oxygen for us to breathe. We have less oxygen when the rain kills the trees
3.What happens when lakes and aquatic systems become acidic?
The acid pollutes the water, which containments the environment of the fish kills them. The pH levels in the water are
lowered, and the ecosystem is harmed.
4.How does acidic water systems affect us?
The acid gets into the water and harms all of the organisms in the aquatic system, we then consume some of these organisms
and are therefore affected by the water.
5.Are the acquatic systems in our area being affected by acid rain? If yes, to what extent?
yes, the aquatic systems are being affected, 75% of all lakes and 50% of all streams are acidic.
6.What are the danger signs of the effect of acid rain on aquatic system?
The danger signs are the commencement of extinetion of aquatic species, heath of trees, and therefore disruption of wildlife.