Acid Rain Webquest

Home | Recommendation | Economist | Chemist | Health Scientist | Biologist

This page Contains the Questions and anwsers for the role of Economist

1. Does acid rain affect building materials?
Yes it does, bricks, steal, metal anything if the pH is strong enough.

2.Does acid rain have an effect in agricuture?
Yes eats away at crops and population H2O (water) to feed them.

3. What does acid rain do to our roads, highways, and bridges?
Yes it eats away at the road so their the crossline fades away faster. The rain eats at metals and wood that bridges so their less stable and can collapse.  

4. What is the effect of acid rain on things made from metal such as automoblies train, buses, and other means of transportation? 
The rain eats at the boby of cars, trucks, trains and creates holes, not only on the transportation but in the tires or wheels.

5.What efferts does acid rain cost us in terns of money?
Everything to the killing of plankton so then it kills the rest of the food chain and the crumding of bulidings that cost money to rebulid.

6.What are the economic consqeuences of acid rain on fishieries, foresty, and agricuture?
In the way of fish the rain kills little plankton so the their  is less food for the fish that eat them an the fish that eat them ect.... . Foresty the rain kills the trees or drys them out which then lead to big forest fires.The rain kills the crops so their is less food for us and the animals.

This Role Played by: Jeff